We believe that Jesus is KING.

He died, he rose, he reigns; so that all who believe in him may have eternal life.

The Bible, God’s word, Good for all of Life.

The bible is God’s gift of truth to the world. Everything we do is shaped by God’s word as we seek to learn from, apply, delight in and share it among one another and with others. God’s word brings life and salvation, the good news of Jesus and is therefore most precious to us. It teaches us, strengthens us, transforms us and equips us as we seek to live God’s good way.

Growing together in Christ.

Standing firm in the gospel, remaining in Christ, we grow in his likeness, through teaching the truth, modelling Christ, and sharing life; in community and among all generations.

Sharing Jesus.

We believe that all people need to hear and receive the life-giving good news of God’s love for the world in and through Jesus, and that God has commissioned us to share it.

Joy filled, thankful worship.

The blessings of God are many and full. They draw our hearts to thanks and praise both when we gather and in all of life. As a church, we foster a spirit of joy and gladness, filling our life together with opportunities to remember God’s goodness again.

Love in Community.

We love as Jesus loves us, so we seek to be a word-based, Christ-centered community that is devoted to one another in genuine love. Jesus’ example inspires in us a spirit of forbearance, radical inclusivity, warmth, kindness, hospitality, friendship and care, and it is our desire that anyone might belong easily among us.

Prayerful Dependence.

God loves to hear us, so we pray to him in humble dependance, confessing our sins, adoring him for who he is, and asking him to provide for all our needs in accordance with his will, knowing that he is always working for our good. Further, prayer is a powerful means through which God works, and so we devote ourselves to prayer, excited to see the glory and goodness of God on display in the life of our church, in our wider community, and in the world.

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Whatever your season of life is, we want to share life together.